SPCOM 2010 conference at IISc Bangalore (July 18-21, 2010)

Dear All,

This is to bring to your attention that a major international conference, namely, the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM 2010) will be held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore from July 18-21, 2010.

Please see the conference web site http://ece.iisc.ernet.in/~spcom/ for details. A poster that highlights the various plenary and invited talks and tutorials is also attached.

SPCOM 2010 will feature an exciting array of tutorials as well as plenary, invited and contributed talks on topics of current interest. The conference will provide  a forum for researchers from academia, research laboratories and industries to come together to share and learn about current developments in emerging fields in the general area of communications, signal processing microwaves and microelectronics.

We invite your participation in making the conference a success, an look forward to seeing you at the conference. We would very much
appreciate your passing on this information to your colleagues.

With thanks and regards,


MathWorks free Training courses on MATLAB

MathWorks Training Services

Dear All,

The MathWorks is conducting hands-on MATLAB® and Simulink® training throughout India this June, July, and August. Follow the links below to read course descriptions and to register online.

The following courses will be offered:
MATLAB Fundamentals
June 21-23
August 23-25

New Delhi
July 05-07
MATLAB Programming Techniques Bangalore
June 24
MATLAB for Building Graphical User Interfaces
June 25
Simulink for System and Algorithm Modeling
New Delhi
July 08-09

August 26-27
MATLAB Fundamentals for Aerospace Applications
July 26-28
Simulink for Aerospace System Design
July 29-30
Stateflow for Logic Driven System Modeling
August 02-03
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Register Now
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Invite a Colleague

To register by phone call +91 80 6632 6001 to speak to our training coordinator.

Please forward this e-mail to any colleagues who may be interested in attending. We look forward to seeing you at our training courses.


Product Training Services Team

Please Note: Academic discounts are available. Please contact your Education Account Manager for details.

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