MATLAB for C/C++ Programmers

18 Jan 2011 
3:00 PM IST (India Standard Time) 

Learn how MATLAB can support the development and debugging of your technical C/C++ applications by visualizing your data with its prebuilt plotting functions and testing your calculations with its trusted numerics.

When using C/C++ to build technical computing applications, it can be a challenge to understand your data or know if your algorithm is working correctly. In this webinar we will show you how to speed up your development and debugging process by sending your data to MATLAB for visualization. We will also give examples of interactive data analysis and show how to compare your calculations against the trusted numerics in MATLAB.

Specific topics include:

  • Exchanging data between your running C/C++ application and MATLAB using the MATLAB Engine
  • Issuing MATLAB commands from your running C/C++ application to debug your code, test your algorithms, and visualize your data
  • Building shared libraries from MATLAB functions for deployment with your application
  • Building complete and stand-alone executables from MATLAB functions

Presenter: Dave Forstot - Application Engineer, MathWorks Inc.
Q&A Session
: U M Sundar - Application Engineer, MathWorks India

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We look forward to seeing you online on Tuesday, the 18th of January, 2011.


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