Image Recognition Technology Goes Shopping

In 2011, eBay was looking to acquire companies that could speed up image recognition and augmented reality features for online retailers to capitalize on the mobile phone’s potential to help consumers make impulse purchases. In other words, photograph an image of what you want to purchase with your mobile phone and it will give you similar items which you can easily purchase from eBay.
A Swedish company, OculusAI, has refined image recognition to a science and rolled it into a new mobile app, Productify. The app lets consumers take a photo of a product and find and purchase similar products on the internet.

Emerging from a highly scientific background, the company first applied its image recognition technology to online retailers or businesses who wanted to remove pornographic images from their websites. Today, OculusAI is applying that same image recognition to a market that’s worried about keeping up with consumers on the go — eCommerce.

The global eCommerce industry generated $686 billion in 2011 and continues to grow steadily with  21% annually. At the same time, eCommerce and mCommerce retailers are faced with just for starters, a low conversion rates (only 2.85% of eCommerce visitors make a purchase) and increased product assortment translates into an obstacle for relevant search results.
Read the rest of the story here.

Call for Papers - MathWorks

You are invited to submit papers for MATLAB EXPO 2012 India.
This annual, one-day event brings together engineers and scientists from leading organizations, MathWorks experts, and partners to learn about the latest product capabilities in MATLAB and Simulink, exchange ideas, share successful use -cases, and network with industry peers.
MATLAB EXPO 2012 India
Submission Details
We invite you to present a technical paper that demonstrates how you foster innovation and develop industrial applications with MathWorks products in any of the following areas:

Data analysis and visualization
Numerical computing, statistical analysis, and optimization
Control design
Signal processing and communication system design
Video and image processing
Test and measurement
Automatic code generation
Verification and validation
Design of high-integrity applications and systems
Embedded system design using microcontrollers or DSPs
Design and verification of HDL code for FPGAs and ASICs

Please email your abstract to by 10 April 2012 and provide the following information:

Title of paper
One or more areas from the list above
List of authors
Abstract (max. 600 words)
Speaker biography

The MathWorks India Event Team 
Important Dates

10 April: Deadline to submit abstracts
6 July: Final papers and presentations due
8 August: Date of the Conference

Visit for the latest conference updates.

MATLAB Digest - March 2012

News for the MATLAB and Simulink communityMarch 2012

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Computer Vision with MATLAB

MathWorks India invites you to a complimentary webinar:

Computer Vision with MATLAB

20 Mar 2012
3:00 PM IST (India Standard Time)
Computer vision uses images and video to detect, classify, and track objects or events in order to understand a real-world scene. In this webinar, you will learn about new capabilities for computer vision with the MATLAB product family. Through product demonstrations, you will see how to:
  • Detect, extract, and match features such as corners and SURF features
  • Perform automatic image registration with RANSAC to estimate the geometric transformation
  • Recognize objects with the Viola-Jones algorithm
  • Track objects with the color histogram-based CAMShift algorithm
This webinar assumes some experience with MATLAB and Image Processing Toolbox. We will focus on the Computer Vision System Toolbox.
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Presenter: Bruce Tannenbaum works on image processing and computer vision applications in technical marketing at MathWorks. Earlier in his career, he developed computer vision and wavelet-based image compression algorithms at Sarnoff Research Center. He holds an MSEE degree from University of Michigan and a BSEE degree from Penn State.
Q&A Session: Tabrez Khan, Application Engineer, MathWorks India
Invite a Colleague

Register for this webinar.
We look forward to seeing you online on Tuesday, the 20th of March, 2012.

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MathWorks India

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