Computer Vision with MATLAB for Object Detection and Tracking

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Dear Pradeep Sakhamoori
MathWorks India invites you to a complimentary webinar:

Computer Vision with MATLAB for Object Detection and Tracking

8 May 2013
3:00 PM IST (India Standard Time)
Computer vision uses images and video to detect, classify, and track objects or events in order to understand a real-world scene. In this webinar, we dive deeper into the topic of object detection and tracking. Through product demonstrations, you will see how to:
  • Recognize objects using SURF features
  • Detect faces and upright people with algorithms such as Viola-Jones
  • Track single objects with the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) point tracking algorithm
  • Perform Kalman Filtering to predict the location of a moving object
  • Implement a motion-based multiple object tracking system
This webinar assumes some experience with MATLAB and Image Processing Toolbox. We will focus on the Computer Vision System Toolbox.
About the Presenter: Bruce Tannenbaum works on image processing and computer vision applications in technical marketing at MathWorks. Earlier in his career, he developed computer vision and wavelet-based image compression algorithms at Sarnoff Corporation (SRI). He holds an MSEE degree from University of Michigan and a BSEE degree from Penn State.
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