Control System Design, Analysis and Real-Time Testing

Control System Design, Analysis and Real-Time Testing using MATLAB and Simulink
11 Dec 2012
3:00 PM IST (India Standard Time)
In this webinar, you’ll learn how MATLAB & Simulink® are utilized in the development of an embedded control system including implementation and testing on hardware. Our demonstration will emphasize how to design, simulate and test a complex system that incorporates multiple domains such as mechanical, electrical and hydraulic – that are typically isolated across different software platforms and thus not simulated in a common framework.
Starting from underlying physical principles, we will build models that can expand and accelerate the development process through the use of simulation. You will see how you can simulate the controller and the plant together, optimize the control system, and generate code for HIL testing—all before building a prototype. We will demonstrate the integration of simulated and real components to enable Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing in support of early Verification and Validation (V&V) against top-level requirements.
You’ll learn how to:
  • Build models of mechanical, electrical and control software component
  • Employ models to optimize component designs against system requirements
  • Employ models to support the production and testing of integrated systems
About the Presenters:
Terry Denery is an expert in Modeling. He runs hundreds, if not thousands, of simulations to pursue the best design of electrical, mechanical, and control systems.
Sam Mirsky’s forte is working with the hardware; these two skill sets complement each other perfectly. Using MathWorks tools Sam can rapidly prototype Terry’s best design, and prove whether it will really work or not. This could not be done without good modeling and rapid conversion of these models into real hardware systems. Together, Terry and Sam will show how to do this in MATLAB & Simulink, the platform for Model-Based Design.
Q&A Session: Prasanna Deshpande – Application Engineer, MathWorks India
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Using HDL Coder and HDL Verifier for FPGA and ASIC Designs

Dear Pradeep Sakhamoori,
MathWorks India invites you to a complimentary webinar:

Using HDL Coder and HDL Verifier for FPGA and ASIC Designs

27 Nov 2012
3:00 PM IST (India Standard Time)
In this webinar you will learn how you can leverage our HDL Code Generation and Verification products to accelerate your FPGA design cycle and avoid costly mistakes. Using HDL Coder you can prototype your algorithm on FPGAs or implement it on ASICs and FPGAs directly from Simulink. With HDL Verifier, you can co-simulate your HDL code with ModelSim and perform FPGA based accelerated simulations.
MathWorks engineers will demonstrate the latest enhancements to HDL Coder, which generates synthesizable Verilog® and VHDL® code from Simulink models, MATLAB code, and Stateflow charts.
We will discuss the following topics:
  • Simulink system level design
  • Verilog and VHDL code generation using HDL Coder
  • Optimization techniques for efficient FPGA implementation
  • Pipelining and resource sharing
  • Co-simulation with ModelSim
  • Programming your HDL code on FPGA boards
  • FPGA-in-the-Loop verification
Presenter: Stephan van Beek – Application Engineer, MathWorks
Q&A Session: Puneet Kumar – Principal Application Engineer, MathWorks India
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