1.Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
2.Introduction to Digital Signal Processing Contd
3.Digital Systems
4.Characterization Description,Testing of Digital Syst
5.LTI Systems Step & Impulse Responses,Convolution
6.Inverse Systems,Stability,FIR & IIR
7.FIR & IIR; Recursive & Non Recursive
9.Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
10.DFT (Contd.)
11.DFT (Contd.) and Introduction to Z Transform
12.Z Transform part1
13.Z Transform part2
14.Discrete Time Systems in the Frequency Domain
15.Simple Digital Filters
16.All Pass Filters,Com.Filters
17.Linear Phase filters,Complementary Transfer Fn
18.Compensatary Transfer Functions, (Contd.),
19.Test for Stability using All Pass Functions
20. Digital Processing of Continuous Time Signals
21. Problem Solving Session: FT, DFT,& Z Transforms
22. Problem Solving Session: FT,DFT, & Z Transforms
23. Analog Filter Design
24. Analog Chebyshev LPF Design
25. Analog Filter Design (Contd.): Transformations
26. Analog frequency Transformation;
27. Problem Solving Session on Discrete Time System
28. Digital Filter Structures
29. IIR Realizations
30. All Pass Realizations
31. Lattice Synthesis (Contd.)
32. FIR Lattice Synthesis
33. FIR Lattice (Contd.) and Digital Filter Design
34. IIR Filter Design
35. IIR Design by Bilinear Transformation
36. IIR Design Examples
37. Digital to Digital Frequency Transformation
38. FIR Design
39. FIR Digital Filter Design by Windowing
40. FIR Design by Windowing & Frequency Sampling
41. Solving Problems on DSP Structures
42. FIR Design by Frequency Sampling
43. FIR Design by Frequency Sampling (Contd.)
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